
The Blog

The Self-Driving You is an information hub blending the latest information in neuroscience, artificial intelligence, and meditation to tell a scientifically sound story about what it is to be human and how anyone can make the most of it. It is an impersonal approach to being human, explaining how we are the driver behind the wheel of a self-driving vehicle, making 90% of our decisions. These automatic responses are not personal but wired through experience and instantly triggered as we move through our environment. We are simply the driver behind the wheel, doing our best to hang on.

The Self-Driving You reveals how we can wake up the driver through the power of deliberate attention to take the wheel and rewire our self-driving system for the better. We are a community for anyone who wants to understand who they are and do the work to wire their brain for success and health.

The Author

Until Alan Bodnar was thirty, he was nothing special, with zero belief in himself, stunted by fear, and not particularly good at anything. Ten years later, he has spent over 5,000 hours listening to over 500 books on the brain, meditation, and artificial intelligence. Alan spent another 2,500 hours writing ideas in the blog and 2,500 hours applying what he read to his life. Altogether, there has been a minimum 10,000-hour investment in crafting an original message to explain life and how anyone can make the most of it.

Alan Bodnar wrote The Self-Driving You to provide a user manual to the human vehicle that will help others on a similar journey. He applies what he writes to his life and is on a lifelong mission to use his driver to rewire his brain in a way that serves him. Alan is excited for others to join the community as we all work toward the common purpose of intentionally wiring our brains to their potential for success and health.

The Community

The Self-Driving You is a safe space for everyone on the lifelong quest for self-mastery. It is an information hub that provides a forum for sharing thoughts with others on a similar journey. We are a supportive community with a common purpose of raising awareness by awakening our inner driver and rewiring our self-driving system for health and success. 

To change ourselves, we must be uncomfortable and vulnerable; to that end, there is zero tolerance for harassment, bullying, or criticism. It is okay to challenge each other, but we must do it thoughtfully, compassionately, and constructively.

Change starts within ourselves, and The Self-Driving You is about thinking twice about our instant responses. Thank you for joining the conversation. We are excited to grow the community and ourselves.

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The human experience is like being the driver behind the wheel of a self-driving vehicle doing 90% of the driving.
We have 86 billion neurons that serve as the brain's signaling units. There are many different types, but generally, they all have an input, a cell body, and an output cable.

Chapter 2- What It Is Like To Be A Neuron

Humanity’s greatest challenge is to understand how the brain works.1 Neuroscientists, aided by discoveries in neuroscience and artificial intelligence, are inching closer to this answer each day. While the brain’s full functionality…

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Support cells make up almost half of the population of cells in the brain and act as network maintenance crew. Broadband installers are important crew members as they improve the speed at which signals travel on output cables that fire the most by adding myelin.